The Art That Ignited A 'Revolution'
Thirty years before "mixed martial arts" came into existence, a revolutionary martial art training process was innovated by Bruce Lee that advanced the principles of totality in martial art training, realistic and scientific training methods, and complete freedom for the individual practitioner. Lee named the art he created Jeet Kune Do and defined it as "the art of expressing the human body in combative form without limitation or confinement."
What is Jeet Kune Do?
The fact is that today there is no universally accepted definition with regard to what Jeet Kune Do is. Some define it as Bruce Lee's personal martial art expression. Others as a method of martial art research. And some define it as simply a philosophical concept or idea. In my opinion, all of these definitions fall far short. My personal definition of Jeet Kune Do, based upon my more than five decades of deep immersion in it, is:
"Jeet Kune Do is a non-restrictive, principle-based training process to cultivate one's body as a 'martial instrument' and express oneself with total freedom and the highest degree of efficiency and effectiveness."
I believe that the core or "soul" of JKD is a state of being; a dynamic, fluid, liberated way of thinking as opposed to a static or "fixed" body of martial art knowledge. ​
​What is Chris Kent Jeet Kune Do?
As a teacher, performance specialist, and consultant, my goal is, and always has been, to help people become creative, free-thinking, liberated martial artists.
Chris Kent Jeet Kune DoTM refers to the martial art training process I teach and share. While remaining true to the original spirit and vision with which Bruce Lee developed Jeet Kune Do, CKJKD reflects a process of my own individual development and growth in the art, as well as my interpretation of it.
You're not learning a particular martial art style or system, or even an eclectic blend of styles, but rather how to use your body to the maximum through the application of scientific disciplines such as bio-mechanics physiology, physics, etc. Encompassing all elements of unarmed combat training, CKJKD is a dynamic process of complete martial art training designed to develop every facet of an individual's combative arsenal. CKJKD will empower an individual to:
Unlock their full potential
Liberate themselves as a martial artist
Express themselves without restriction or limitation
Perhaps you’re seeking a fuller, deeper, richer understanding of the art and philosophy of JKD. If you're a teacher or coach, maybe you’d like to develop a cohesive, progressive curriculum for your students. Or perhaps your goal is to become a better and more effective communicator for your students. If you're interested in --
Technical performance
Training methods and protocols
Teaching methodology and curriculum design
-- my decades of experience and expertise in Jeet Kune Do can help you achieve your goal, and I invite you to contact me.
Jeet Kune Do is experiential, and one of my main objectives is to give people what I refer to as the “JKD Experience.” In my capacity as a professional martial arts consultant I work one-on-one with individuals who are seriously interested in maximizing their skills, attaining the highest level of performance possible, and achieving their full potential as a martial artist.
I develop personal training programs that are custom-designed to fit needs and desires of each individual I work with.
A limited number of personal coaching spaces are available yearly.
Not limiting myself to working only with Jeet Kune Do training facilities (or particular JKD groups), I function as a consultant for professional martial art schools and training facilities, assisting them with regard to various facets of operation, including such things as:
Cultivating a true "JKD culture" (historical background, philosophical elements underpinning the art, the JKD "mindset," etc.)
Technical performance
Training methods and protocols (technical/non-technical)
Curriculum development
Teaching methodology
When it comes to teaching Jeet Kune Do, for me it’s something special; I'm sharing not only an incredible martial art training process, but also an incredible martial legacy that's been part of my life for five decades. As one of the of the pre-eminent authorities on Jeet Kune Do and its applications I am proud serve as a "global ambassador" for Jeet Kune Do, traveling the world and teaching and sharing my diverse knowledge and expertise through national and international seminars and training workshops.
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